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M3 Monaco Smart & Sustainable Standard:
Excellence in Sustainability

The M3 Monaco Smart Sustainable Standard (S3) is a certification program designed to promote sustainability and excellence in marinas, yacht clubs, and sailing schools. It offers numerous benefits and sets a high standard in the maritime industry.

17 sustainable development goals
Sustainable Development Goals

Preserving the Future

Sustainable development is development that responds to the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to respond to theirs, as defined by the United Nations and their 17 sustainable development goals.

In Europe, the European Parliament and Council adopted The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), on June 17, 2008. It establishes a framework for Community action in the field of marine environmental policy. The first paragraph of this Framework Directive states that “The marine environment is a precious heritage that must be protected, restored and treated as such, with the ultimate objective of preserving the biological diversity and dynamism of the oceans and seas and ensuring their safety, cleanliness, good health and productivity”.

M3 has developed its own Label, defined as the
Smart Sustainable Standard (S3), based on 3 core impactful pillars:


For example, the use of renewable energy, from solar power pontoons to the production of electricity from marine energy


To be as neutral as possible, Marinas and Yacht Clubs must pay particular attention to air pollution, water pollution and pollution of the basin, while, for example, educating boaters about best behavior to avoid deterioration of the seabed, amongst other harmful practices.


All the materials used for the marina and the Yacht club should be sustainable, the raw materials sourced locally and chosen according to their impact on the biotope.

Examples abound

On Energy issues alone, marine energy, which comes from the kinetic, chemical energy of seawater can be used to produce electricity, thermal energy or drinking water. A wide variety of technologies can be employed, such as tidal power plants, underwater turbines that harness tides and ocean currents, heat exchangers based on the transformation of ocean thermal energy, and various systems that take advantage of wave energy and salinity gradients.

Another example: For the protection of the environment, a responsible and modern marina must integrate and unite with the surrounding ecosystem. M3 proposes marinas to participate in scientific research aiming at rebuilding coral reefs by installing dome-shaped structures with integrated young coral. These facilities promote species diversity, and by their modularity allow efficient coverage of large areas. Thanks to their integrity in the ecosystem, they ensure the long-term prosperity of coral reefs.

Last but not least, on the preservation of resources, such as the most essential one: Water. The committed marina has to be innovative by using treated wastewater. After first use, water taken from the natural environment is deemed “waste”. In the vast majority of cases, water leaving treatment plants is discharged. However, it is technically possible to reuse this water for new uses, for rinsing boats, pontoons but also streets, and to water green spaces, golf courses, stadiums.

For all of these, M3 is here to audit and assist marinas and yacht clubs to become more proactive and use relevant solutions to improve their commitment to the implementation of the UN sustainable goals and EU directive.

© Bonifacio Marina

Why Obtain the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Standard?

Global Recognition

Gain international acclaim for your commitment to sustainability and quality.

Enhanced Reputation

Stand out as a leader in environmental stewardship and responsible business practices.


Build loyalty among environmentally conscious clients who value sustainable operations.

Economic & Tourism Benefits

Increase the attractiveness of your destination, directly benefiting the local economy and tourism.

Certification Criteria

1. Installation

  • Quality & Relevance: Assess the infrastructure and facilities for both members and the public to ensure they meet high standards
  • Design & Development: Combine form and function in design and architecture.
  • Materials & Construction: Use sustainable, high-quality materials.
  • Regulatory Conformity: Ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

2. Operational & Business Management

  • Human Resources: Focus on leadership, staff management, training, and health & safety.
  • Business Strategy: Align objectives and services with client expectations, and prepare for crises.
  • Operational Management: Standardize processes, manage resources, and ensure effective communication. Monitor performance and maintain regulatory compliance.

3. Sustainability Management

  • Waste Treatment: Properly manage greywater, blackwater, and sewerage.
  • Materials & Design: Prioritize energy-efficient and sustainable materials.
  • Energy & Environmental Initiatives: Implement energy-saving measures and contribute to biodiversity protection. Control air pollution and follow an environmental management plan with key performance indicators (KPIs).

Where M3 can help you improve

Operational Efficiency

Streamline operations through best practices that prioritize sustainability and efficiency.

Ethics and Etiquette

Emphasize respect, courtesy, and solidarity to achieve high standards of ethics and etiquette.

Environmental Protection

Commit to protecting the oceans for a sustainable future through eco-responsible approaches.

Education and Transmission

Promote the passion and values of yachting, passing them on to future generations.

Join the Monaco Smart & Sustainable Standard Community

Take the first step towards a more sustainable future for your marina, yacht club, or sailing school. Become part of an exclusive network that guarantees high standards in facilities, services, security, and environmental respect. Contact us today to learn more about the certification process and how it can benefit your business and the planet. Together, let’s chart a course towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

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