Sustainable development
Sustainable development is development that responds to the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to respond to theirs.
M3 is based on the values of sustainability and responsibility and focuses.
Renewable energy, especially bioenergy, plays a key role in sustainable energy solutions. Solar-powered pontoons, like rooftop systems, harness solar energy, while marine energy taps into the potential, kinetic, thermal, and chemical energy of seawater to produce electricity, heat, or drinking water. Technologies include tidal power plants, underwater turbines, ocean thermal energy converters, and systems for wave energy and salinity gradients.
Green hydrogen is also emerging as a sustainable energy carrier in the shipbuilding industry.
The marina and Yacht Club are designed to have as neutral an impact as possible, with special attention to air, water, and site pollution. Renewable energy powers the facilities, and advanced systems are in place to prevent contamination. Waste management is meticulously handled to avoid pollution, and eco-friendly practices are implemented throughout.
The goal is to ensure the marina operates in harmony with the environment, protecting the ecosystem while providing a sustainable space for marine activities.
All materials for the marina and Yacht Club are sustainably sourced, with a strong emphasis on using local resources. Local wood is harvested responsibly and treated with eco-friendly methods to minimize environmental impact.
Roofs are made from local stone, chosen for its durability and low impact on the biotope. This approach supports the local economy and preserves the natural environment, ensuring that the marina harmonizes with its surroundings.
Respect for the marine environment
M3 has a special interest in the ocean and is committed to respecting the marine environment and its biodiversity.
The Yacht Club de Monaco champions the 'La Belle Classe Destinations' label, a hallmark of marina excellence. This initiative unites distinguished yacht clubs, promoting marinas that embody prestige, elegance, and exceptional service. The goal: to transform traditional harbors into vibrant, luxurious living spaces.
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC), is a European Directive of the European Parliament and Council adopted on June 17, 2008. It establishes a framework for Community action in the field of marine environmental policy.
The first paragraph of this Framework Directive states that “The marine environment is a precious heritage that must be protected, restored and treated as such, with the ultimate objective of preserving the biological diversity and dynamism of the oceans and seas and ensuring their safety, cleanliness, good health and productivity”.
Reuse of treated wastewater
Sustainable development also means paying special attention to the water resource, to preserve it as much as possible.
The committed marina of the future has to be innovative by using treated wastewater and valorizing the raw materials it generates.
Reuse of treated wastewater:
After a first use, water taken from the natural environment is called « waste ». In the vast majority of cases, water leaving treatment plants is discharged. However, it is technically possible to reuse this water for new uses.
Use for rinsing boats, pontoons but also streets, green spaces, golf courses, stadium.
Green hydrogen
As an alternative to carbon-based energies, green hydrogen is presented as a major scientific, environmental and economic challenge.
« Green » hydrogen is produced from renewable energies. The electricity produced by wind turbines or solar panels is transformed, with water, by an electrolysis process. Hydrogen-powered shuttles have just been tested in the emirates before being deployed to other sectors. This is an innovative water transportation system, defined as a « water metro » with regular stops at stations along the way.
M3 is involved in many other projects in parallel. No greenhouse gases are then emitted.
Coral protection
A responsible and modern marina must integrate and unite with the surrounding ecosystem. M3 proposes to participate in a scientific research aiming at rebuilding coral reefs.
This offer aims to rebuild dying reefs and surrounding ecosystems by installing dome-shaped structures with integrated young coral.
These facilities promote species diversity, and by their modularity allow efficient coverage of large areas.
Thanks to their integrity in the ecosystem, they ensure the long-term prosperity of coral reefs.
Marine Development Infrastructure
Technical advice in the solution of maritime facilities and infrastructure such as safety with underwater drones, optimization of berths with our pontoon offer etc.
Our technical advisory services for maritime facilities focus on enhancing safety and optimizing infrastructure. We offer innovative solutions like underwater drones for enhanced security and real-time monitoring.
To address the need for more moorings, we provide a patented system of floating pontoons designed for vessels from 6 to 12 meters. This system increases berth capacity by 25% to 40% without requiring heavy infrastructure work. The pontoons are modular and scalable, allowing for easy installation and adjustment according to marina development needs.
This environmentally friendly solution not only meets the demand for additional moorings but also respects the surrounding ecosystem, ensuring sustainable expansion of marina facilities.
Marina Safety
Technical advice in the solution of maritime facilities and infrastructure in terms of security in the broadest sense (IT infrastructure, protection of strategic assets, surveillance and control).
We can provide graduated intrusion alerts for potential threats in underwater, surface and air environments (active and passive underwater acoustic devices, surface and lidar radar, unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles).
Security mission overview for M3 and Partners
M3 and its partners are entrusted with a comprehensive range of security missions, focusing on both digital and physical aspects to ensure the safety, confidentiality, and operational integrity of the yacht club and its associated clientele.
Design and implementation of the IT infrastructure of a yacht club
Ensure client confidentiality within the marina to and from the yachts through encryption algorithms.
Ensure IT security and protection of know-how and strategic assets
Train the staff related to the whole security aspect in the broadest sense of the word.
Implementation of procedures and techniques to combat espionage, terrorism and computer intelligence (human intelligence techniques, reverse targeting, travel security).
Surveillance and control instruments available
To ensure the highest standards of security and monitoring, we deploy a sophisticated array of surveillance and control instruments. These technologies enable comprehensive situational awareness and response capabilities, critical for maintaining security and operational efficiency.
To ensure the highest standards of security and monitoring, we deploy a sophisticated array of surveillance and control instruments. These technologies enable comprehensive situational awareness and response capabilities, critical for maintaining security and operational efficiency.
Sensors (Sonars, Lidars, Radars, electro-optical infrared camera systems)
Vehicles (autonomous underwater vehicles, remotely piloted underwater vehicles, remotely piloted aerial vehicles)
Systems (RF target deactivation, command and control)